Hello, my name is Devanne (pronounced Dev-in) White

And I help people fall in love with their homes!

I’m that person that goes on vacation to SanDeigo and instead of taking photos of the beach, I snap a million shots of the INCREDIBLE homes lining the shore.

As a kid, I spent HOURS painting tiny little black and white tiles by hand in my wooden dollhouse. I added flowers to the walls (custom wallpaper!), and changed the exterior color at least 4 times before I got it how I wanted it.

As an adult, I’ve always been drawn to the potential I see in spaces.

I have lived in my dream home 3 times. (ok except for one noisy street - everything else was dreamy!)

My husband and I flipped two of them and we’re constantly scanning for and scheming about the next.

Before becoming a design coach I taught high schoolers life skills like cooking, how-to-change-a-tire, sewing, and budgeting! I also taught them how to write a dam-good essay.

I have a Bachelors of Arts in English, and I love using the art of weaving different elements together to create a cohesive narrative - and this works in writing as well as in YOUR HOME.

I have worked with dozens of people to transform their homes into an oasis that brings them JOY and PEACE and that becomes their home base for SUCESS in life.

Here are 12 Core Beliefs that are at the heart of everything I do in my coaching practice:


  1. Your home is the physical and emotional base for your family.

  2. Our space affects us profoundly, whether we are paying attention or not.

  3. What you bring into your space should enable peaceful and relaxed living, not stress and anxiety.

  4. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Writers higher an editor, why shouldn’t we all have someone editing the stories we aim to bring to life in our home??

  5. You don’t need to have the perfect space to make a home that’s perfect for you, because home is where you make it.

  6. Your home is not a museum. Good design should be about creating a space for your PEOPLE; room to connect with others. It’s a living space - not a museum. . 

  7. You can make your home look beautiful while also choosing pieces that are durable.

  8. Every room feels better with a touch of LIFE in it. (Plants are your new best friend!)

  9. Making your bed every morning is the best way to set your intention for the day.

  10. You can do more in 15 minutes than you think!

  11. Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

  12. Home is where the heart is and so put some heart in your home!

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